Avon after Christmas sales! Online deals & Free shipping
Looking for some great online after Christmas deals from Avon?Click here WWW.AVON.COM to get some great deals online from Avon and enjoy free shipping!
Avon Rebate! For a limited time buy $70 worth of Avon and receive a rebate of $10! Buy $55 and get a $5 Avon rebate check. Check will be sent to your registered address within 30 days.
To get Free shipping on $30+ orders use coupon code CELEBRATE2010 or RFSC26 or FS30REP. The free shipping Avon codes may have expired or will soon, so hurry and buy Avon online today! This is a one time use only code for any size order: FSANY
You will be able to view all the latest Avon brochures online as well and have the opportunity to browse future campaigns as well!
If you join Avon online the cost is $20 and that covers the price of the start up kit and the postage for Avon to send it to you. This is the same kit everyone gets at first and it contains 20 Avon books, enough for your first 2 campaigns, a receipt book , an Avon bag and some instructional booklets.
How much money can you make as an Avon representative?
As a NEW Avon Rep you make 40% off your first 4 campaigns(about 2 months time) if the orders are $50 or larger and you submit them online and on time.
After that here is what we can make:
Order Size Earnings
$1550 or more 50%
$900 - $1549 45%
$425 - $899 40%
$285 - $424 35%
$145 - $284 30%
$25 - $144 20%
$00 - $24 0%
Licensed products are earned at 20% commission.
As you can see, the more Avon we sell, the more money we can make.
Online sign up is at www.startavon.com use reference code JEBY
Why wait, become an Avon representative today and save on Avon year round!
Have fun shopping Avon deals online!