Avon is RESPECTED Company with Diverse, Cutting-Edge Products to Offer
Avon’s reputation for top-quality products opens doors and makes selling simple. Skin So Soft, Naturals and Bubble Bath are just a few of America’s favorites. In addition, many Avon products are nationally advertised and all are backed with Avon’s Guarantee. All products can be offered or just a select few.
There are two ways to have an Avon fundraiser:
- Through an Independent Avon sales representative or
- Become an Independent Avon sales representative and host your own(and keep more of the $$$) Sign up online at www.startavon.com for $20 with reference code JEBY
Here are some of the specifics of an Avon fundraiser:
- The Avon rep will decide what percentage of the profits the organization will receive. You and the rep will determine what type of fund-raiser will be held.
- A small group, with only 20 participants selling $15 products to just 10 Customers each, makes a $3,000 order—entitling the Avon rep 50% earnings in that campaign. The Avon rep will decide what percentage of that $1,500 will go to the fund-raising organization. The rest is profit for the Avon rep.
With an Avon Fund-Raiser, there’s no need to buy any merchandise up front. You can even show organizations how they can get prizes donated by local merchants.
If you hold the fundraiser through an Avon rep:
When you sell an Avon Fund-Raiser, organizations can count on the rep to answer product questions, offer selling tips and handle any delivery or payment issues. This direct partnership allows you to create a fund-raiser that is perfectly customized to the needs of the organization.
The Avon rep will provide each participant with fundraising flyers from which they will take orders. Participants also get a Customer order form or book and a collection envelope.
Customers make their checks payable to the organization when they place their order with the participant. Note: Each Customer is charged an order-processing fee of 75 cents.
Each participant returns the order form and payment in the collection envelope to a contact person in charge at the organization.
You collect the orders and submit them to Avon for processing via your normal ordering process.
Once you receive your products, deliver them to your organization and collect your money.
If you would like to have the fundraiser online, feel free to contact me through my online store at www.youravon.com/jeby