Want to sign to sell Avon for free? Well, you can sign up for very little money.
It's only $15 online at WWW.STARTAVON.COM and use the reference code JEBY
The cost is very low as you can see. The start up kit you receive (like picture above)contains 20 Avon books(enough for 2 campaigns) and some instructional booklets. You also receive information of whom to contact locally for help and support.
Most want to know the earning potential of selling Avon so here it is:
Order Size Earnings
$0 - $49.99 0%
$50 - $149.99 20%
$150 - $294.99 30%
$295 - $439.99 35%
$440 - $924.99 40%
$925 - $1,574.99 45%
$1,575 + 50%
The more Avon you sell, the higher percentage you make!
We do have some expenses, like buying more Avon brochures.
I know you wanted to sign up to sell Avon for free, but you can easily make back the little money you have to spend to join.