If you live in Shelbyville KY and want to sell Avon you can sign yourself up at www.startavon.com using the code JEBY
You get the start up kit that includes 20 Avon books and everything you need to get started sent to you and the cost is only $20. You will also be givin information of whom to contact locally for help and support.
As a NEW Avon Rep you make 40% off your first 4 campaigns(about 2 months time) if the orders are $50 or larger and you submit them online and on time.
After that here is what we can make:
Order Size Earnings
$1550 or more 50%
$900 - $1549 45%
$425 - $899 40%
$285 - $424 35%
$145 - $284 30%
$25 - $144 20%
$00 - $24 0%
Licensed products are earned at 20% commission.
As you can see, the more Avon we sell, the more money we can make.
Why wait, sign yourself up today!
If you need further help, call (888) 821-9907 and ask for Jason.
Shelbyville, KY:40065, 40066
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